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味噌庵の味噌は年に一回、冬にしか仕込む事が出来ません。この機会を逃すと一年後まで試作味噌の仕込みが出来ない事になるので、新しい味噌のアイデアが出たらまず仕込んでみる事にしています。一年中仕込めたらどれだけ気が楽かと思う時もありますが(笑)、やはり自然の気候などに合わせて熟成させる昔ながらの製法を守る事が大事だと考えているので冬に仕込み続けます。素材や製法については姉妹店 味噌庵 のホームページもご覧ください。
希少な素材同士をかけ合わせたらとても美味い味噌が出来上がる、というものではなくて全体の組み合わせのバランスが大事で、実際に数年熟成させてみないとわからない事がほとんどです。そういう意味でも味噌造りにはとても手間がかかります。この塩はちょっとエグ味があるから味噌には合わないかも、っていう塩を使った味噌がとても美味く熟成された、とかよくあります。味噌庵の味噌の場合は麹がとても強いので他の素材との相性に大きく影響すると思います。(この麹を使って大原で熟成させた味噌を販売、食事で使用しているのは民宿大原の里 姉妹店味噌庵だけです。)
民宿 大原の里 では秋に向けて「松茸入り地鶏”味噌”すき焼き」を季節限定料理としてご準備しております。一般的なすき焼きではなくて、特製ブレンドした甘みのある味噌を隠し味に使っているので「コク」が出てとても美味しいです。コクと松茸の風味もよく合います。お客様のお好みの味に調整も出来ます。是非この機会のお試しください!
I am making various misoes for trial purposes with “Miso cell” of a related store at the time of manufacturing the miso every year. I had put out the prototype from the ripe warehouse the other day. Can this miso possibly be commercialized in several years?
The miso of “Miso cell” can be prepared only in winter. When I come out the idea of a new miso, I am making it to the thing first trained because I cannot prepare an experimental miso one year later when this chance is missed.
I think that I am glad when I can prepare the miso all the year round. However, I keep preparing the miso in winter because I think that it is important to defend the old manufacturing method ripened according to the climate of nature.
Please see the homepage of “Miso cell” about the material and the manufacturing method. (Japanese)
There are not so many things of completing a delicious miso when a scarce material is put and matched mutually. The balance of the combination of materials is important. There are a lot of things that do not understand if the miso is not actually ripened for several years. In that sense, it takes time to the miso making very much.
There is often a thing that the miso that used a bitter salt for a moment ripened very delicious. Because the power of the bacterium is very strong, I think that I greatly influence compatibility with other materials of the malt used with my miso. (It is only my hotel that uses the miso ripened by using this malt in the Ohara district. )
I am making several kinds of experimental misoes. It is 10 percent in that that I commercialize. However, it is thought that the production increase of the sold out miso is top priority now.
We will prepare “Chicken “Miso” sukiyaki with the matsutake mushroom” as a season limited dish in my hotel aiming at autumn. Because this dish uses the miso with not a general sukiyaki but sweetness in which the specially-made blend is done for the secret ingredient, “Flavor” goes out and it is very delicious. Please eat by all means at this chance.
Chicken “Miso” sukiyaki with matsutake mushroom